Kampela: Bridging Security and Simplicity in the Substrate Ecosystem

The Astar Bulletin | TAB
3 min readNov 2, 2023



Kampela Signer

So I was thinking about the Parity Signer, and while watching the Wag Media feeds I saw Jay from the The Kusamarian interviewing … of Kampela. Being a deep level hacker, and Kampela being a hardware device I had to have it to add to my Raspberry Pi, and other micro processors, collective and to have a very secure signer.

Navigating through the intricate world of blockchain, a DevOps engineer diving deep into Rust and Substrate often seeks solutions that embody both robust security and ease of use. This quest brings us to Kampela, a groundbreaking device that signifies an evolution in cryptographic key management, designed meticulously for the Substrate ecosystem.

Understanding the Parity Signer:

Before delving into Kampela, it’s crucial to understand the Parity Signer. The Parity Signer is a mobile application that turns your old or unused smartphone into a secure hardware wallet. Unlike traditional crypto wallets that manage and store assets, the Parity Signer is solely dedicated to signing transactions. It functions offline, ensuring that the private keys never leave the device, adding an additional layer of security compared to conventional wallets.

Introducing Kampela:

Kampela steps in as a hardware incarnation of the Parity Signer. It’s a compact, card-like device that simplifies secure transactions. Mirroring the convenience of a credit card, it communicates via a Near Field Communication (NFC) system port and showcases transaction details on a monochrome electronic paper screen.

Kampela in Action:

Security and Simplicity Combined:

Kampela, priced below €100, is designed as a single-purpose device focusing on secure transactions. It supports the elliptic curves essential for Substrate networks and encapsulates a single seed phrase per unit.

Ease of Transition:

Ensuring compatibility with the QR code output formats of the Signer, Kampela provides a seamless transition for users, acting as a natural extension that enhances security.

Addressing Existing Challenges:

  • Elliptic Curve Support: Kampela mitigates the risk of secrets being exposed during transaction signing, a vulnerability present in many smartphones’ cryptographic chips.
  • Wide Compatibility: Offering a cost-effective and universally compatible solution, Kampela stands out against the limited and pricier alternatives.
  • Baseband Chip Security: By eliminating the need for a general-purpose OS and potential connectivity vulnerabilities, Kampela ensures heightened security.

Design and Security Insights:

Form Factor:

Kampela’s design is minimalistic yet functional, akin to a credit card, with controls designed for optimal user interaction.

Uncompromised Security:

Leveraging technologies like Secure Element, Kampela ensures that private keys are nearly impossible to extract, even with sophisticated lab equipment.

Interaction Paradigm:

With NFC and e-ink screen interactions, Kampela provides a streamlined user experience, complete with a QR-to-NFC converter app.

Integration into the Ecosystem:

Kampela seamlessly integrates into the Polkadot/Kusama ecosystem, complementing solutions like Ledger and Parity Signer by offering a unique set of benefits and tradeoffs.

The Kampela Moniker:

Inspired by a flatfish, the name Kampela symbolizes the device’s sleek form and resistance to phishing.

Alignment with Polkadot:

Kampela is tailored to fortify the security infrastructure of the Substrate ecosystem, making it an indispensable addition to Polkadot’s secure and innovative environment.

Addressing Potential Queries:

NFC Usability:

While there might be skepticism about NFC’s user-friendliness, its capacity for seamless data transfer enhances usability, especially for sizable metadata payloads.

Concerns Regarding RAM Exposure:

Kampela goes beyond simply being an offline tool, safeguarding against memory corruption and secret leaks through kleptography, which could still be a risk in offline devices.

Conclusion: Charting a Secure Path Forward

In essence, Kampela is more than just a device; it is a visionary step towards a secure and simplified future for the Substrate ecosystem. By understanding the nuances of the Parity Signer and traditional crypto wallets, Kampela stands out as a beacon of innovation, bringing secure transactions conveniently to your fingertips.

I know this article is a bit heady, but this technical detail is worth its weight in digital gold. Here is their Github.



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